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Safe Navigation

For Member Access

Accessing deeply nested fields which can potentially be nil was problematic, because you'd need an unreasonable amount of guard clauses to prevent an "attempt to index nil" error. Pluto now offers this syntax:

Basic Usage
local person = {
name = "Alice"

local pet_name =

In this example, is nil. However, this does not throw an "attempt to index nil" error. pet_name is simply set to nil.

Practical Usage
-- Pretend userConfig is parsed from a JSON file, or something.

--- Returning the user's preferred color, or Red if they have no preferred color.
local function get_color()
return userConfig.colors?.preferred ?? "Red"


In this example, we also use the null coalescing operator ??.


These cannot be used for statements, like a?.b?.c = 0. They're only valid as expressions.

Safe Navigation (for member access) was written by Sven Olsen.

For Method Calls

Similarly, if you want to have optional hook functions, you can use safe method calls instead of writing conditionals:

Lua Way
if self.onEvent then
Pluto Way

You can also check if the left-hand side of : is not nil:

object?:onEvent(event) -- 'object' may be nil
object?:onEvent?(event) -- 'object' and 'object.onEvent' may be nil

Note that this feature will truncate multiple return values if they're not used as part of a fixed assignment:

function myfunc()
return 1, 2

local a, b, c = _G:myfunc?()
print(a, b, c) --> 1 2 nil

print(_G:myfunc?()) --> 1